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Hi, I'm Tristen

Real Estate Guide, Coach, Human Design Projector

8 years ago I owned a yoga studio, and I loved it.  I loved helping people getting in touch with what aligned deeply for them.  


But, yoga studios don't make a lot of money, and I have a lot of kids, so I needed a way to take this love of helping people and turn it into something that I could give my family more.


I knew I didn't want a typical 9-5, I can't sit still that long! I love helping people find their place and I loved the idea of still being an entrepreneur.  One of my yoga students thought I would be a good realtor. And I thought, "Why not?"  So I took the test and guess what? I had no idea how to find people to help, let alone be able to truly guide them through the process.


Being a real estate agent looks easy from the outside, but I can tell you it was overwhelming! I had to not only find clients, but do marketing, transactions, write contracts, while being a mom and wife.

In the beginning I worked all the time, and I was successful.  But I thought, "how can I find a way to work with people I really like, who appreciate what I do, while focusing on things in my business I love."

After 7, (yes 7 brokerages) I am thriving and growing every day, enjoying my business and leveraging tools to give me more freedom.

I love being a realtor because of the freedom and the income potential.  I also love real estate because it allows me to be creative in my marketing, mastermind with other amazing people, collaborate, and grow personally.

So many people have mentored me, coached me and helped me, which is why I want to share what I know with others.  I hope I can be a guide, sounding board, and give back to other realtors looking to find their way.

Let's Empower each other!

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Coming Soon....

How to Empower Your Business.

Whether you are a brand new real estate agent, or an agent looking to fine tune your business, this course will give you a system that will help you generate business in a way you actually like doing.

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